IYG Application 2022- Part 3: Teacher Chaperone & Delegate Section

    Student Delegation Members

    School Name & Location:
    Is this a mixed gender delegation? YesNo

    Student 1:

    Student 2:

    Student 3:

    Student 4:

    Chaperone 1


    Email Address:

    Best phone to reach you:

    If you have any special travel-related circumstances that you would like to call to our attend, please enter an explanation here:

    Chaperone 2 (Required for mixed gender delegations)


    Email Address:

    Best phone to reach you:

    Submitter Information

    Name of person submitting form:

    Email Address:

    Best phone to reach you:

    What's Next?

    • After clicking on the "SUBMIT" button, this information will be sent to the IYG organizers and a copy emailed to the submitter of this form.

    • The information is not retained on our website. Once the email is received by the IYG organizers, the information is considered confidential.

    • If you wish to change any information, follow the instructions in the acknowledgement email.

    Go back to Applications.